books from library
I decided that one of the main things I wanted to do this summer was get more into physical art and painting again after, what was possibly, a year long (or maybe even longer) hiatus. Other than sketches and a few good painting pieces, I felt like i hadn't really ever developed my style and felt lost in terms of what I wanted to paint and how I wanted to do it, so I knew I needed to find inspiration and look into other works. Digging through the depths of artists online was difficult, as I found I was redirected to the same few famous artists and I couldn't really find anything visually I liked this way, so I decided to go down the traditional route and go to the library. This way I could find a good base and maybe then go on to research deeper and find other crevices online. There wasn't tons of art books at my local library, but I did manage to find some good books. ____________________________________________________ BOOK ONE I picked up this book as I ...