photography | Tarkovsky

"Tarkovsky often reflected on the way that time flies and this is precisely what he wanted: to stop it"
"By the time we finally arrived in Bango Vignoni, the ideas for the structure of a film were entwined around a story he liked. I remember when we entered the little church on the edge of the water filled square, where the mist rising from the water gave a sense of distance to the landscape of ancient houses."
"These images leave us with a mysterious and poetic sensation, the melancholy of seeing things for the last time."

The photos of russia are misty and encapsulate the Place.
The book also has short stanzas along side some of the polaroids.
love this book ngl.

- dreamy, atmospheric, & nostalgic.
- creates sense of place & memory.
- polaroids as a sense of documentation. ghost of what the light once was.


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